
Home Page of TrICorr-NET

Tribo-Corrosion Network

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The TrICorr Network was established to link researchers and engineers in Higher Education and Industrial and Research Technology Organisations to further the understanding of tribo-corrosion mechanisms of materials.

Formed in 2000 as an EPSRC funded Network under the Materials Programme, the TrICorr Network welcomes any group or individual with an interest in the subject. Today we have 86 members and 30 countries participating in our network, as outlined on our membership map. Our membership maps


In the last 10 years the field of tribo-corrosion has seen extraordinary growth. The aim of the network is to bring together workers with an interest in tribo-corrosion whether it be in materials loss mechanisms, development of mathematical models or defining appropriate nomenclature for the process. The Network management team is based in the University of Strathclyde.

Details of personnel involved may be obtained from the Members page.


Please contact the Network Co-ordinator if you wish to become a member (or join the e-mailing list), to bring news of meetings or events to the attention of members, or to post information on the bulletin board.

Copyright © 2001 by University of Strathclyde. All rights reserved.