

Publications to date: Margaret Stack






Publications on various research topics can be found here here

2004 -date

“ Modelling particulate erosion-corrosion in aqueous environments: some views on the construction of erosion-corrosion maps for a range of pure metals”, M.M. Stack and B. D. Jana, Wear (special issue on Wear Modelling), 256, 9-10, 986-1004, 2004.

“A generic model for dry sliding wear of metals at elevated temperatures”, J Jiang, F.H. Stott and M.M. Stack, Wear (special issue on Wear Modelling) 256, 9-10, 973-985, 2004.

“Erosion-corrosion behaviour of a chromium steel in a rotating cylinder electrode system: some comments on particle size effects”, M.M. Stack, J.S. James and Q. Lu., Wear, 256, 5, 557-564, 2004.

“Erosion-corrosion mapping of Fe in aqueous slurries: a new rationale for defining the erosion-corrosion interaction”, M.M. Stack and N. Pungwiwat, Wear, 256, 5, 565-576, 2004.

"Impact angle effects on the erosion-corrosion of superlattice CrN/NbN PVD coatings", M.M. Stack, Y. Purandare and P. Hovsepian, Surface and Coatings Technology , 188-189, 556-565, 2004. (Awarded the R F Bunshah prize at ICMCTF, San Diego, May 2005)

“Some comments on micro-abrasion interactions for pure metals in bio-oils”, M.M. Stack and M. Mathew, Journal of Synthetic Lubrication , 21, 2, 105-118, 2004.

"Mapping the micro-abrasion resistance of WC/Co based coatings in aqueous conditions", M.M. Stack and M.T. Mathew, Surface and Coatings Technology, 183, 337-346, 2004.

"Some thoughts on micro-abrasion mapping of steels in corrosive environments", M.M. Stack, H. Jawan and M.T. Mathew, Proc. 8th International Conference on Tribology, Pretoria, South Africa, 2004.

"Modelling sliding wear: from dry to wet environments", J. Jiang and M.M. Stack, Proc. Eurocorr 2004, Nice, 13-17 September, 2004.

"Prediction of erosive wear in the power industry: some new horizons", M.M. Stack, UK Power,1, 65-67, 2004.

"There's something in the way you move - horse racing and skiing are two sports where a better understanding of friction could work", M.M. Stack, Physics World, 24-25, November 2004.

Guest Editor: Special Issue on Wear Modelling (M.M. Stack, Wear, 256, 9-10, 855-856, 2004)

"Bridging the gap between tribology and corrosion: from wear maps to Pourbaix diagrams", M.M. Stack, International Materials Reviews, 50, 1, 1-17, 2005 (invited review).

"Micro-abrasion mechanisms of UHMWPE for hip joint applications", M.T. Mathew and M.M. Stack, Surface Engineering (submitted).

"Transitions in micro-abrasion mechanisms for HVOF coated steels", M.T. Mathew and M.M. Stack, Journal of Engineering Tribology, part J1, 219, 49-57, 2005.

"On the construction of micro-abrasion maps for a steel/polymer couple in corrosive environments", M.M. Stack, H. Jawan and M.T. Mathew, Tribology International (in press)

"Modelling effects of impact angle on the erosion-corrosion of pure metals", M.M. Stack and B.D. Jana Wear, 259, 1-6, 256-262, 2005.

"Mechanisms of erosion-corrosion of superlattice PVD CrN/Nb coatings", Y. Purandare, M.M. Stack and P. Hovsepian, Wear, 259, 1-6, 243-255, 2005.

"A mathematical model of the particulate erosion-corrosion of Al and Cu/Al2O3 MMCs in aqueous conditions", M.M. Stack and B.D. Jana, Tribology International (in press).

"Velocity effects on the erosion-corrosion of CrN/NbN superlattice PVD coatings", Y. Purandare, M.M. Stack and P. Hovsepian, Surface and Coatings Technology (submitted).

"Modelling sliding wear mechanisms in dry and wet environments", J. Jiaren and M.M. Stack, Wear (special issue) (submitted)

“Comparison and analysis of two apparatus (IJR) and (RCE) used for erosion-corrosion in aqueous conditions”, Q. Yuan, M.M. Stack, and K. Chi, Tribology International (submitted).

Guest Editor: Special Issue on Erosion of Coatings: Developments in Testing and Modelling (M.M. Stack, J. ASTM International, 2005) (in preparation) (Proceedings of one day ASTM meeting of G02 committee on erosion and wear, April 29th, San Diego US, 2005)

Guest Editor with J. Williams: Special Issue of Tribology International based on papers submitted to Tony Ball Memorial Symposium at 8th International Conference on Tribology, Pretoria, South Africa April 2004 (in press).

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“Mapping the erosion of MMCs at elevated temperatures: some recent advances”, M.M. Stack and D. Pena, Wear, 251, 1-12, 1434-1444, 2001.

“Electrochemical behaviour of iron in hot flowing bayer liquor”, Q. Lu and M.M. Stack, J. Appl. Electrochemistry, 31, 12, 1373-1379, 2001.

“Preferential wear of droplet defects for combined cathodic arc-unbalanced magnetron sputtering CrN/NbN superlattice coatings during erosion in alkaline slurries”, H.W. Wang, M.M. Stack, S.B. Lyon, P. Hovespian and W.D. Münz, J. Mat. Sci. Letters, 20, 21, 1995-1997, 2001.

“A review of apparatus used in the research of tribo-corrosion behaviour: some details from overseas”, Q. Yuan and M.M. Stack, Chinese Journal on Heat Treatment in Overseas, 22, 5, 2001.

“The partial ionic and electronic conductivity of Y containing and Y free scales”, H. Liu, S.B. Lyon and M.M. Stack, Oxidation of Metals, 56,1-2, 149-164, 2001.

“Localized corrosion associated with macroparticle growth defects for combined cathodic arc unbalanced magnetron sputtering CrN/NbN superlattice coatings during corrosion in alkaline solutions”, ”, H.W. Wang, M.M. Stack, S.B. Lyon, P. Hovespian and W.D. Münz, J. Mat. Sci. Letters, 20, 6, 547-550, 2001.

“Micro-abrasion mapping of steels: some thoughts on the construction of micro-abrasion maps”, M.M. Stack and M. Mathew, Proceedings of 1st International Conference in Materials and Tribology, Dublin Institute of Technology, Rep. of Ireland, September 2002.

"Some views on micro-abrasion mechanisms for HVOF coated steels", M.M. Stack and M. Mathew, Proc. Mission in Tribology, Pub. IMechE, London, London, 4 December, 2002

"Modelling the tribo-corrosion interactions in aqueous sliding conditions", J. Jiang, M.M. Stack and A. Neville, Tribology International, 35, 10, 667-677, 2002.

“Mapping tribo-corrosion processes: some new directions for the new millenium”, M.M. Stack, Tribology International, 35, 10, 679-687, 2002.

“Particulate erosion of Al in aqueous conditions: some perspectives on pH effects on the erosion-corrosion map”, M.M. Stack and N. Pungwiwat, Tribology International , 35, 10, 649-658, 2002.

“Effect of preferential dissolution on erosion-corrosion for chromium steel in alkali slurry”, M.M. Stack and Q. Quan T. Non-Ferr. Metal Soc., 12, 5, 931-935, 2002. (China)

Guest Editor: Special Issue on Tribo-Erosion ( M.M.Stack, Tribology International, 35, 10, 615-616, 2002 ).

“Micro-abrasion interactions of pure metals in bio-oils”, M. T. Mathew and M.M. Stack, Proc. 3rd International Symposium on Fuels and Lubricants, October 7-9, India, 2002.

“Significance of oil analysis in condition monitoring-a review”, M.T. Mathew, K. Chi and M.M.Stack, Proc. National Conference on Recent Trends in Condition Monitoring of Machines, 4-5 March 2002, Pub. NMAM Institute of Technology, Karnataka, India.

“Some thoughts on modelling the effects of oxygen and particle concentration for particulate erosion in aqueous slurries”, M.M. Stack, N. Corlett and S. Turgoose, Wear , 255, 1-6, 456-465, 2003.

"An electrochemical technique to measure wear of metals against polymers in corrosive environments”, Manish Roy and M.M. Stack, Tribology-Science and Application , April 23-27, Vienna, Ed. M.A. Herman, CUN PAN, Warszawa, pp 221-131, 2003.

“Micro-abrasion transitions for pure metals”, M.M. Stack and M. Mathew, Wear , 255, 1-6, 14-22, 2003.

“Mapping sliding wear of steels in aqueous conditions”, M.M. Stack and K. Chi, Wear , 255, 1-6, 456-465, 2003.

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"Ionic partial conductivity in chromia scales", H. Liu, M.M. Stack and S.B. Lyon, Electrochem. Soc. Meeting, San Diego, May 1998.

"Development of a theoretical model to describe the erosion-corrosion wastage process under aqueous slurry conditions", N. Corlett, M.M. Stack, S. Turgoose and S. Zhou, Electrochem. Soc. Meeting, San Diego, May 1998.

"Some thoughts on the effects of elastic rebounds on the boundaries of the aqueous erosion-corrosion map", M.M. Stack, N. Corlett and S. Zhou, Wear, 214, 2, 175-185, 1998.

"A note on the construction of materials selection maps for resistance to slurry erosion-corrosion", M.M. Stack and N. Pungwiwat, Wear, 215, 1-2, 67-76, 1998.

"Control of erosive wear in corrosive environments using erosion-corrosion maps: potential applications to fossil fuel environments", M.M. Stack, Corrosion'98, paper 195, 1-20, Pub. NACE, Houston, Texas, 1998

"The erosion-corrosion performance of mild steel and SA313-T22 steel in low velocity conditions", M.M. Stack, J. Chacon-Nava and F.H. Stott, Proc. 3rd NACE Latin American Region Corrosion Conference, Mexico, 1998.

"The role of triboparticulates in dry sliding wear", Jiaren Jiang, F.H. Stott and M.M. Stack, Tribology International, 31, 5, 1998.

"Corrosion of PVD TiN coatings under simultaneous erosion in sodium carbonate/bicarbonate buffered slurries", H.W. Wang and M.M. Stack, Surface and Coatings Technology, 102, 3, 104-110, 1998.

"Erosion of PVD TiN coatings under simultaneous corrosion in sodium carbonate/bicarbonate buffered slurries", H.W. Wang and M.M. Stack, Surface and Coatings Technology, 106, 1, 1-7, 1998.

"Ionic transport numbers and defect structures in Cr2O3 scales", H. Liu, M.M. Stack and S.B. Lyon, J. Materials Research (Chinese Edition) 12, 52-56, 1998.

"Effects of ionic transport processes in Cr2O3 scales", H. Liu, M.M. Stack and S.B. Lyon, Solid State Ionics, 109, 247-257, 1998.

"Ionic partial conductivity in chromia scales", H. Liu, M.M. Stack and S.B. Lyon, Electrochem. Soc. Proceedings, 86-96, 1998-1999.

“In-situ solid state electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of NiO scales”, H. Liu, C. Mojica Calderon, S.B. Lyon and M.M. Stack, Solid State Ionics, 26, 363-372, 1999.

"Looking beyond the Millennium: critical issues in the evaluation of materials performance for resistance to erosive wear in corrosive environments", M.M. Stack, Wear, 233-235, 484-496, 1999.

"Impact angle effects on the transition boundaries of erosion-corrosion maps", M.M. Stack, N. Corlett and S. Zhou, Wear, 225-229, 190-198, 1999.

"Recent advances in the development of theoretical approaches for the construction of erosion-corrosion maps in aqueous slurries", M.M. Stack, N. Corlett and S. Turgoose, Wear , 233-235, 534-540, 1999.

"Particle size effects on the elevated temperature erosion behaviour of Ni-Cr/WC MMC based coatings", M.M. Stack and D. Peña, Surface and Coatings Technology, 113, 5-12, 1999.

"Slurry erosion of metallics, polymers and ceramics: particle size effects", M.M. Stack and N. Pungwiwat, Materials Science and Technology ,15, 337-334, 1999.

"The slurry erosive wear of physically vapour deposited TiN and CrN coatings under controlled corrosion". M.M. Stack and H. W. Wang, Trib. Letters, 6, 1, 23-26, 1999.

"Some thoughts on the construction of erosion-corrosion maps for erosion of PVD coated steels in aqueous slurries", M.M. Stack, H.W. Wang and W.D. Münz, Surface and Coatings Technology, 113, 52-62, 1999.

" Simplifying the erosion-corrosion mechanism map for the erosion of thin coatings in aqueous slurries", M.M. Stack and H. W. Wang, Wear , 233-235, 541-550, 1999.

"The influence of low concentrations of Cr and Y on the oxidation behaviour, residual stress and corrosion performance of TiAlN hard coatings on steel substrates", L.A. Donahoe, D.B. Lewis, W.D. Münz, M.M. Stack, S.B. Lyon, H.W. Wang and D. Rafaja, Vacuum, 55, 109-114, 1999.

“The corrosion behaviour of macroparticle defects in arc bond sputtered CrN/NbN superlattice coatings”, H.W. Wang, M.M. Stack, S.B. Lyon, P. Hovespian and W.D. Münz, Surface and Coatings Technology, 126, 279-287, 2000

“Corrosion behaviour and charcterization of iron in hot flowing Bayer liquor”, Q. Lu, M.M. Stack and C. Wiseman,Korrosion und Werkstoff, 10, 705-711, 2000.

“Wear associated with droplet defects for combined arc/unbalanced magnetron sputtering CrN/NbN coatings during erosion in alkaline slurry flow”, H.W. Wang, M.M. Stack, S.B. Lyon, P. Hovespian and W.D. Munz, Surface and Coatings Technology, 135, 1, 82-90, 2000.

“The erosive wear of mild and stainless steels under controlled corrosion in alkaline slurries containing alumina particles”, H.W. Wang and M.M. Stack, J. Mat. Sci., 35, 5263-5273, 2000.

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"Interpretation of wastage mechanisms of materials exposed to elevated temperature erosion-corrosion using erosion-corrosion maps and computer graphics", M.M. Stack and L. Bray, Wear, 186-187, 273-283, 1995.

"Computer simulation of erosion-corrosion by solid particles at elevated temperatures", M.M. Stack, Q. Song-Roherle, F.H. Stott and G.C. Wood, Wear, 181-183, 516-523, 1995.

"A mathematical model for sliding wear at elevated temperatures", Jiaren Jiang, F.H. Stott and M.M. Stack, Wear, 181-183, 20-31, 1995.

"The erosion of functionally graded coatings under fluidized bed conditions", G. Heath, M.M. Stack, M. Rehberg and P. A. Kammer, Proc. 3rd Int Conf. on Structural and Functional Gradient Materials, 10-12 October 1994, Pub. EPFL-Ecublens, 511-518, 1995.

"Elevated temperature erosion resistance of Ni-based Functionally Graded Materials", M.M. Stack, J. Chacon-Nava and M. Rehberg, Proc. 2nd International Conference on Heat Resistant Materials, Gatlinberg, U.S., 11-15 September 1995, 445-452, Pub. ASM 1995.

"Relationship between the effects of velocity and alloy corrosion resistance in erosion-corrosion environments", M.M. Stack, J. Chacon-Nava and F.H. Stott, Wear, 180, 91-99, 1995.

"Synergism between the effects of velocity and temperature for Fe-Cr alloys in fluidized bed erosion-corrosion conditions", M.M. Stack, J. Chacon-Nava and F.H. Stott. Materials Science and Technology, 11, 1180-1185, 1995.

"The erosion-corrosion of alloys under oxidizing-sulphidizing conditions at high temperatures", F.H. Stott, M.P. Jordan, S. Lekatos and M.M. Stack", Wear, 186-187, 291-298, 1995.

"The interactions of sulphidation and particle erosion at elevated temperatures", F.H. Stott, M.P. Jordan, S. Lekatos, G.C. Wood, and M.M. Stack, Werkstoffe und Korrosion, 46, 261-270, 1995.

"Identification of transitions in aqueous erosion-corrosion regimes using electrochemical techniques", M.M. Stack, S. Zhou and R.C. Newman, Wear, 186-187, 523-532, 1995.

"Mechanisms of erosion-corrosion of alloys and ceramics in dry and in aqueous conditions", M.M. Stack, Proc. Workshop on Corrosion in Alumina Plants, Available from Alcan U.K., 6-8 June 1995.

"Erosion-Corrosion "regimes": Number, Nomenclature and Justification?", M.M. Stack, S. Lekatos and F.H. Stott, Tribology International, 28, 7, 445-451, 1995.

"Optimization of aqueous erosion-corrosion parameters using erosion-corrosion maps for erosion-corrosion in aqueous slurries", M.M. Stack, N. Corlett and S. Zhou, International Tribology Conference, Yokahama, Japan, 29 October-2 November, 1995.

"A mathematical model for sliding wear at elevated temperatures", Jiaren Jiang, F.H. Stott and M.M. Stack, Wear, 181-183, 20-31, 1995.

"Identification of transitions in erosion regimes for the erosion of metal matrix composites at elevated temperatures", M.M. Stack, D. Peña and J. Chacon-Nava, Proc. 2nd International Conference on Composites Engineering, 707-708, Pub. Dept. Mechanical Engineering, Univ. New Orleans, Ed. D. Hui, New Orleans, 21-24 August 1995.

"Construction of erosion-corrosion maps for erosion in aqueous slurries", M.M. Stack, N. Corlett and S. Zhou, Materials Science and Technology, 12, 8, 662-672, 1996.

"Erosion-corrosion mapping in dry and in aqueous conditions: review of recent developments", M.M. Stack, Corrosion Engineering(Japan), 45, 551-559, 1996.

"Elevated temperature erosion of a range of composite layers of Ni-Cr based functionally graded material", M.M. Stack, J. Chacon-Nava and M.P. Jordan, Materials Science and Technology, 12, 171-177, 1996.

"Effects of particle velocity and applied potential on the erosion of mild steel in a carbonate/bicarbonate slurry", M.M. Stack, S. Zhou and R.C. Newman, Materials Science and Technology, 12, 3, 261-268, 1996.

"Temperature and volume fraction effects on the erosion-oxidation of Ni-Cr/WC metal matrix composites", M.M. Stack and D. Peña, Microscopy of Oxidation 3, 757-765 Eds. S.B. Newcomb and J.A. Little, 1996.

"Construction of erosion maps for erosion of MMCs and FGMs at elevated temperatures", M.M. Stack and D. Peña, Proc. International Conference on Corrosion, Melbourne, Australia, 25-29 November 1996, Pub. ACA, Clayton Australia, paper 193, 11, 1-7, 1996.

"Evaluation of the synergistic effects of erosion and corrosion in aqueous nvironments using electrochemical techniques", S. Zhou, M.M. Stack and R.C. Newman, Corrosion, 52, 12, 934-946, 1996.

"Electrochemical studies on anodic dissolution of mild steel in a carbonate-bicarbonate buffer under erosion-corrosion conditions", S. Zhou, M.M. Stack and R.C. Newman, Corrosion Science, 38, 7, 1071-1084, 1996.

"An approach to defining erosion-corrosion regimes for erosion in aqueous slurries", M.M. Stack, S. Zhou and R.C. Newman, Proc. International Conference on Corrosion, Melbourne, Australia, 25-29 November 1996, Pub. ACA, Clayton Australia, paper 191, 11, 1-9, 1996.

Book Review of "Fretting and Fatigue", Eds. Waterhouse and Lindley, M.M. Stack, Pub. ESIS. Tribology International, 29, 1, 88-89, 1996.

"The high temperature erosion-corrosion behaviour of industrial thermal sprayed coatings", G. Heath, P. Kammer and M.M. Stack, Proc. NTSC' 96, 7-11 October, Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.

"Some issues relating to the construction of materials selection maps for resistance to elevated temperature erosion", M.M. Stack, Tribology International, 30, 6, 435-444, 1997.

"Optimizing the performance of materials in FBC conditions using erosion-corrosion wastage and materials performance maps", M.M. Stack, Materials at High Temperatures, 14, 3, 313-324, 1997.

"Modelling the beneficial effects of oxidation on the sliding wear of metals and alloys", F.H. Stott, Jiaren Jiang, and M.M. Stack, Advances in Surface Engineering 3, (Pub. Roy. Soc. Chem.), 1, 143-157, 1997.

"A methodology for the construction of the erosion-corrosion map in aqueous environments", M.M. Stack, N. Corlett and S. Zhou, Wear, 203-204, 474-488, 1997.

"Effect of partial pressure of oxygen on the tribological behaviour of a Ni based alloy N80A at elevated temperatures", Jiang Jiaren, M.M. Stack and F.H. Stott, Wear, 203-204, 615-625, 1997.

"Characterization of wear scar surfaces using combined three dimensional topographic analysis and contact resistance measurements", Jiaren Jiang, F.H. Stott and M.M. Stack, Tribology International 30, 6, 1997.

"Solid particle erosion of Ni-Cr/WC MMCs at elevated temperatures: construction of erosion mechanism and process control maps", M.M. Stack and D. Peña, Wear, 203-204, 489-497, 1997.

"Surface engineering of composites and graded coatings for resistance to solid particle erosion at elevated temperatures", M.M. Stack and D. Peña, Proc. Advances in Surface Engineering, 111, 236-252, 1997.

"Approaches to constructing materials performance maps for exposure to elevated temperature erosion", M.M. Stack and D. Peña, Proc. World Tribology Congress, 222, Pub. Bookcraft LTD 5-9 September 1997.

"Effects of velocity and applied potential on the erosion of TiN based PVD coatings in aqueous slurries", H.W. Wang and M.M. Stack, Proc. World Tribology Congress, 215, Pub. Bookcraft LTD, Bath U.K., 5-9 September 1997.

121. "The role of triboparticulates in dry sliding wear", Jiaren Jiang, F.H. Stott and M.M. Stack, Proc. World Tribology Congress, 135, Pub. Bookcraft LTD, Bath U.K., 5-9 September 1997.


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"The role of oxides in the erosion-corrosion of alloys in low velocity conditions", F.H. Stott, M.M. Stack and G.C. Wood, Corrosion-Erosion-Wear of Materials at Elevated Temperatures, 12, 1-16, Pub. NACE, Houston, 1991.

"Erosion-corrosion of pre-oxidized Incoloy 800H in fluidized-bed environments: effects of temperature, velocity and exposure time, M.M. Stack, F.H. Stott and G.C. Wood, Materials Science and Technology, 7, 1128-1137, 1991.

"Effect of pre-oxidation on the erosion-corrosion of Incoloy 800H in fluidized bed environments", M.M. Stack, F.H. Stott and G.C. Wood, Heat Resistant Materials, ASM, Ohio, U.S.A, 333-342, 1991.

"Erosion-corrosion of pre-oxidized and as-received alloys: effects of impact angle, temperature and hot hardness", M.M. Stack, F.H. Stott and G.C. Wood, Materials at High Temperatures, 9, 3, 153-159, 1991.

"The influence of chromium on the erosion-corrosion of alloys in fluidized bed conditions", F.H. Stott, K.K. Tiong, and M.M. Stack, EuroCorr 91, 282-287, 1991.

"Erosion-corrosion mechanisms in fluidized bed environments", M.M. Stack, F.H. Stott and G.C. Wood, Materials for Combined Cycle Power Plant, 253-261, Pub. Institute of Materials, 1991.

Published report on "Modelling of erosion-corrosion processes in energy conversion systems", J.R. Nicholls, D. Stephenson, M. Polden, J.F. Norton, M. Gandry, F.H. Stott, R. Prescott, M.M. Stack, G. Wouters, W. Englen, W. Debruyen, F. Casteels, Summary Report, Contract No. EN3F-0027-B, May 1991, Available from the Commission of European Communities, Brussels, Belgium.

"Computer simulation of the effect of pre-oxidation in erosion-corrosion environments", M.M. Stack, F.H. Stott and G.C. Wood, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 25, A170-A176, 1992.

"Computer simulation of the synergistic effects of erosion and corrosion", M.M. Stack, F.H. Stott and G.C. Wood, Key Engineering Materials, 72-74, 31-47, Pub. Trans. Tech. Switzerland, 1992.

"Computer simulation of the interaction of erosion-corrosion with alloys at elevated temperatures", M.M. Stack and F.H. Stott, Oxide Films on Metals and Alloys, 92-22, 589-600, Pub. Electrochem. Soc., 1992.

"Effect of pre-oxidation of chromia and alumina forming alloys when eroded in laboratory simulated fluidized bed conditions", M.M. Stack, F.H. Stott and G.C. Wood, Corrosion Science, 33, 6, 965-983, 1992.

"Computer simulation of the interaction of erosion-corrosion with alloys at elevated temperatures", M.M. Stack and F.H. Stott, Proc. Fall Electrochem. Soc. Meeting, Toronto, October 1992.

"The effect of hardness on the erosion-corrosion of materials in low velocity conditions", J. Chacon Nava, F.H. Stott and M.M. Stack, Corrosion Science, 35, 5-8, 1045-1051, 1993.

"The significance of velocity exponents in identifying erosion-corrosion mechanisms", M.M. Stack and F.H. Stott, Journal de Physique, Colloque C9, Supplement au Journal de Physique 111, 3, 687-694, 1993.

"Characterization of erosion-corrosion regimes using erosion-corrosion maps", M.M. Stack, F.H. Stott and G.C. Wood, Surface Engineering, 11, 31-42, 1993.

"An approach to modelling erosion-corrosion of alloys using erosion-corrosion maps", M.M. Stack and F.H. Stott, Corrosion Science, 35, 5-8, 1027-1034, 1993.

"Identification of transitions through erosion-corrosion regimes using erosion-corrosion maps", M.M. Stack and F.H. Stott, Advances in Materials and Process Technologies, 111, 2211-2218, Pub. Dublin City University Press, 1993.

"The use of erosion-corrosion maps to characterize erosion-corrosion by slurries", M.M.Stack, Proc. First International Symposium on Process Industry Piping, 37, 1-13, Pub. NACE, Houston, 1993.

"Review of mechanisms of erosion-corrosion at elevated temperatures", M.M. Stack and F.H. Stott, Wear, 162-164, 706-712, 1993.

"Some frictional features associated with the sliding wear of a nickel based alloy, N80A, at temperatures to 250oC." Jiaren Jiang, F.H. Stott and M.M. Stack, Wear, 176, 185-194, 1994.

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